Heston gave himself the task of improving the food, from what was a very poor standard, to something he would be happy to serve in his own restaurant, the Fat Duck in Berkshire, although the food he serves there is very scientific in the way it is made and put together on the plate, this would not be expected in a roadside restaurant for families, who would expect to pay no more than £10 for a main course. The revamped menu Heston designed was moved into a further two restaurants in York and Kettering West, the restaurant chain is now doing very well considering it went into administration only two years ago, “with profits forecast at £3m, on turnover of £77m for the 12 months to the end of December 2009”, Kühn, K. (2009). Heston also managed to get the original restaurant he improved into the Good Food Guide whish has only the best restaurants across the country in it, and along with the Good Food Guide, came many extra customers, “since Little Chef at Popham was revamped last year, the restaurant has seen a 500 per cent increase in sales immediately after the programme and is now consistently up 150 per cent year on year” Little Chef (2009).
All of these statistics show Heston Blumenthal has considerably changed Little Chef, with considerable increases in both profits and customers dining at the restaurants affected by Heston so far. All of this is in spite of the difficulties faced when dealing with the chief executive, Ian Pegler.
4od. (2009) 4od. [Internet]. Available from: < http://www.channel4.com/programmes/4od> [Accessed: 06/11/2009]
Afyia, A. (2009) Heston Blumenthal not consulted about Little Chef menu roll-out. [Internet]. Available from:
Cockcroft, L. (2008) Heston Blumenthal to transform Little Chef. [Internet]. Available from: < http://www.telegraph.co.uk/> [Accessed: 06/11/2009]
Kühn, K. (2009) Heston Blumenthal effect raises profit forecasts for Little Chef[Internet]. Available from:
Little Chef. (2009) Did Heston Change Little Chef? [Internet]. Available from: < http://www.littlechef.co.uk/promo/channel4> [Accessed: 06/11/2009].
Sharkey, G. (2009) First Little Chef revamped by Heston Blumenthal makes Good Food Guide. [Internet]. Available from:
Walton, C. (2008) Michelin-winning chef Heston Blumenthal to revamp Little Chef. [Internet]. Available from:
So that particular Little Chef restaurant has improved so much thanks to Heston - what do you think made so much difference? Why couldn't the company save themselves? A question for you here is, what makes restaurant good/bad?